

Let's start with some of the basics of the trace visualizer—how to interface with the trace visualizer!

Log/Node Highlighting

When hovering over a log, it highlights the corresponding node in the main graph panel (center panel), and conversely, hovering over a node highlights the corresponding log in the logs panel (left panel).

Demo Video: Log and Node Highlighting

Collapsible Nodes

When clicking a node, you can choose to Collapse or Expand the sequence of individual machine nodes for a more compact UI.

Demo Video: How to collapse/expand nodes in trace visualizer?

Machine Toggling

Machines can be toggled on or off, allowing users to show or hide a machine for enhanced analysis.

Demo Video: How to toggle machines in trace visualizer?

Machines Filtering

Filtering a machine will remove all machines that do not have a direct connection to the current machine.

Demo Video: How to remove selected machines in trace visualizer?

  • For example, in the following video demo, we first filtered the machine Coordinator(6), which hid all machines that have no direct connections to Coordinator(6). We then filtered the machine Client(9) as well, which removed all other machines since none of them were connected to both Coordinator(6) and Client(9).

Show More Node Information

When you click on an individual node in the graph, a dialog box will open containing the log text associated with the node by default. The dialog box also includes a Show More button. Clicking the Show More button will reveal additional details and data associated with the log.

Demo Video: How to view additional node information in trace visualizer?

Switching Panel View

You can switch between different views to see all (logs and graph), logs, or graph panels when visualizing an individual trace. The drop-down menu on the left of the search bar enables you to switch between views.

Demo Video: How to switch between views in trace visualizer?