Running Testcases

How to Run P Test Cases

Testing P programs is also super easy with Peasy!

Simply click the button next to a test case to run it.

The Testing Panel in VS Code lists all P test cases. In this panel, click the button to run test cases or jump to the corresponding test case in the P program by pressing the icon right next to button.

Demo Video: How to run P test cases in Peasy?

Configuring Test Case Settings

Peasy lets you configure the number of schedules to explore for test cases. Simply add the "p-vscode.schedules" key and specify your preferred value in the VS Code settings.json file. Run the testcases from the testing panel, and the extension will automatically check each test case for the specified number of schedules.

  "p-vscode.schedules": <number_of_schedules>
Example: Customizing number of schedules for test cases

For example, when you add the below key-value pair to your VS Code settings.json file, each test case will be checked for 2000 schedules.

  "p-vscode.schedules": 2000

Peasy lets you configure other commandline options as well for test cases. Simply add the "p-vscode.additionalArgs" key and specify your preferred commandline arguments in the VS Code settings.json file. Run the testcases from the testing panel, and the extension will automatically check each test case with the provided commandline arguments.

  "p-vscode.additionalArgs": "<additional_commandline_args>"
Example: Customizing commandline arguments for test cases

For example, when you add the below key-value pair to your VS Code settings.json file, each test case will be checked in bug finding mode with 100 max steps.

  "p-vscode.additionalArgs": "--mode bugfinding --max-steps 100"