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P Module System

The P module system allows programmers to decompose their complex system into modules to implement and test the system compositionally. More details about the underlying theory for the P module system (assume-guarantee style compositional reasoning) is described in the paper

In its simplest form, a module in P is a collection of state machines. The P module system allows constructing larger modules by composing or unioning modules together. Hence, a distributed system under test which is a composition of multiple components can be constructed by composing (or unioning) modules corresponding to those components. The P test cases takes as input a module that represents the closed1 system to be validated which in turn is the union or composition of all the component modules.

P Modules Grammar
modExpr :
| ( modExpr )                               # AnnonymousModuleExpr
| { bindExpr (, bindExpr)* }                # PrimitiveModuleExpr
| union modExpr (, modExpr)+                # UnionModuleExpr
| assert idenList in modExpr                # AssertModuleExpr
| iden                                      # NamedModule

# Bind a machine to an interface

bindExpr : (iden | iden -> iden) ;          # MachineBindExpr

# Create a named module i.e., assign a name to a module

namedModuleDecl : module iden = modExpr ;   # Named module declaration

Named Module

A named module declaration simply assigns a name to a module expression.

Syntax: module mName = modExpr;

mName is the assiged name for the module modExpr where modExpr is any of the modules described below.

module serverModule = { Server, Timer };

The above line assigns the name serverModule to a primitive module consisting of machines Server and Timer.

Primitive Module

A primitive module is a (annonymous) collection of state machines.

Syntax: { bindExpr (, bindExpr)* }

where bindExpr is a binding expression which could either be just the name of a machine iden or a mapping mName -> replaceName that maps a machine mName to a machine name replaceName that we want to replace. The binding enforces that whenever a machine replaceName is created in the module (i.e., new replaceName(..)) it leads to the creation of machine mName. The indirection using this binding is helpful in cases where we would like to replace a machine with another machine (e.g., implementation by its abstraction). This usecase is explained in the ClientServer example.

In most cases, a primitive module is simply a list of state machines that together implement that component.

// Lets say there are three machines in the P program: Client, Server, and Timer
module client = { Client };
module server = { Server, Timer };
client is a primitive module consisting of the Client machine and the server module is a primitive module consistency of machines Server and Timer.

// Lets say there are four machines in the P program: Client, Server, AbstractServer and Timer
module client = { Client };
module server = { Server, Timer };
module serverAbs = {AbstractServer -> Server, Timer};
client is a primitive module consisting of the Client machine and the server module is a primitive module consisting of machines Server and Timer. The module serverAbs represents a primitive module consisting of machines AbstractServer and Timer machines with the difference that wherever the serverAbs module is used the creation of machine Server will in turn lead to creation of the AbstractServer machine.

Union Module

P supports unioning multiple modules together to create larger, more complex modules. The idea is to implement the distributed system as a collection of components (modules), test and verify these components in isolation using the abstractions of other components, and also potentially union them together to validate the entire system together as well.

Syntax:: union modExpr (, modExpr)+

modExpr is any P module. The union of two modules is simply a creation of a new module which is a union of the machines of the component modules.

module system = (union client, server);

system is a module which is a union of the modules client and server.

module systemAbs = (union client, serverAbs);

systemAbs is a module which is a union of the module client and the serverAbs where the Client machine interacts with the AbstractServer machine instead of the Server machine in the system module.

Assert Monitors Module

P allows attaching monitors (or specifications) to modules. When attaching monitors to a module, the events observed by the monitors must be sent by some machine in the module.

The way to think about assert monitors module is that: `attaching these monitors to the module asserts (during P checker exploration) that each execution of the module satisfies the global properties specified by the monitors._

Syntax: assert idenList in modExpr

idenList is a comma separated list of monitor (spec machine) names that are being asserted on the executions of the module modExpr.

assert AtomicitySpec, EventualResponse in TwoPhaseCommit

The above module asserts that the executions of the module TwoPhaseCommit satisfy the properties specified by the monitors AtomicitySpec and EventualResponse.

More module constructors

P supports more complex module constructors like compose, hide, and rename. The description for these will be added later, they are mostly used for more advanced compositional reasoning.

  1. A closed system is a system where all the machines or interfaces that are created are defined or implemented in the unioned modules.